Operations Track

Image Description: A map of the United States. The following states are highlighted: Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Georgia.
CommonSpirit Health is the largest faith-based not-for-profit health system in the United States committed to building healthier communities, advocating for those who are poor and vulnerable, and innovating how and where healing can happen. With care centers spanning 24 states, CommonSpirit Health is here to serve the common good.
Administrative Fellowship Program Highlights:
In July 2024 we will welcome 13 Fellows as part of our 2024-2025 cohort. Operations Track Fellows will be located across our organization in the following locations:
* CHI Health, Omaha NE
* St Luke’s Health, Houston TX
* CHI Memorial, Chattanooga TN
* CHI St. Joseph's Health, Lexington KY
* Dignity Health, Los Angeles, CA
* Dignity Health, Sacramento, CA
* Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, Tacoma WA
* Dignity Health, Phoenix AZ
The 2023-2024 cohort will complete their Fellowship rotations and graduate December 2024.
Fall 2024 Recruitment:
CommonSpirit Health is pausing recruitment for the summer/fall 2024 recruitment cycle. We are committed to relaunching recruitment in July 2025 for the 2026-27 Cohort.
We encourage interested candidates to check back in July 2025 for updated program information. We appreciate your interest in our organization, please visit our career portal to view current opportunities or explore our Talent Communities.
If you have any additional questions, please email us at: administrativefellowship@commonspirit.org or stay connected with us for additional program updates and highlights by following our LinkedIn.